SPV Market Research

Solar PV Market Research, All Solar All the Time

Business Consulting


Residential lessees, power buyers and system buyers when asked to rate satisfaction indicated a high degree of satisfaction, though this is contradicted by many of the comments

All populations indicated that a performance guarantee was offered, though this is contradicted by many of the comments, particularly those of power buyers

Lessees and Power Buyers cited the following as reasons for choosing these options over buying a system: Saving money, adding value to the house, least complicated option and someone else handling repairs 

For power buyers the saving money option is contradicted by the comments and data, that is, for many the economics of buying power are directly contradicted by the data (monthly power purchases + utility true up or, the realization that they pay for all the power the system generates instead of just what they use

For lessees the desire to have someone else handle repairs is contradicted by the comments, that is, a high percentage of comments from lessees indicate that maintenance expectations are not being met

For lessees and power buyers the choice of "add value to the house" is contradicted by the  real estate market (leased systems are not an asset in a sale)

Monitoring is nonstandard and a significant percentage of lessees, power buyers and system owners do not monitor their systems

The escalation charge for lessees/power buyers is poorly understood

The monthly lease rate is nonstandard and correlates poorly with system sizes 

There are indications that for lessees/power buyers customer education/qualification is weak